Why Speak Against Religions?

The problem arises when you celebrate an individual or an idea to such an extent that the person or the idea goes beyond the bounds...

The Most Scientific Religion

Which is the most scientific religion? Are your ears dying to hear the name of the one which you follow or love? You will get...

10 Reasons to Hate a Liberal

The following essay is based on The Liberal Manifesto, adopted by the 48th Congress of Liberal International on 27-30 November 1997 in The Town Hall...

Are Hindus in Danger?

There is a deep longing in the present world for a dictatorship. People seem to be fed up with liberal democracy. The majority of the...

The Noisy Voices

Everyone focused on having a voice. On having a strong voice. Electronic social media provided a wonderful platform where everyone, even a pig has a...

How Did Ancient Hindus Find About 9 Planets?

The nine planets (navagraha – celestial bodies of universe in Sanskrit) mentioned in the Hindu astrology (astrology, not astronomy) are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangala...

How Does a Computer Work?

Well, they would say things like a computer does not understand human language rather understands exclusively the mathematical language of binary system or simply on...